Our Projects

Competency Training for Women in Rwanda


Muraho Technology is the leading Software Testing services provider in Rwanda.  Their model for Tech Services focuses on winning and bringing international tech services projects into Rwanda and engaging young people into effective teams to deliver work with excellence.


Muraho Technology became the leading Software Testing service provider in Rwanda by having a world-class and internationally recognized team of software testers.  Muraho Technology is committed to narrowing the gender equality gap and has made a decision to only hire women testers.  The women hired as software testers require training in project management and quality assurance software testing.  This training would need to provide them with the operational skills and to have them tested through an internationally recognized certification.


Impact Bridges Group and its project partners developed a training curriculum for a quality assurance (QA) specialized training program for 15 women.  The curriculum included project group work on real world scenarios and on mock exams.  The project management training consisted of lecture sessions, group exercises, personal assignments and an exam.  All of this training prepared the women for the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) examination and certification.

All of the fifteen women wrote and passed the ISTQB examination and were subsequently provided with international certification and then hired by Muraho Technology.  The ongoing challenge for Muraho Technology is to keep the QA pipeline filled with international contracts.  In a separate contract (with Global Affairs Canada) Impact Bridges Group provided Muraho Technology with a roadmap on becoming investment ready and the use of innovative financing to further expand their business and social impact.

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