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Impact Investors

As an impact investor, you want to use your capital for good. IBG provides opportunities to work with entrepreneurs throughout the world who are involved in social enterprises and social and environmental projects. IBG’s broad range of investment opportunities all share the common objective of having an intentional positive and measurable impact and a financial return. As an impact investor, you can select whether you want to invest in a business that has strong social and environmental outcomes or with social entrepreneurs, often charities, working on a project, such as nutrition, education, or ecology. Both offer investors a financial and measurable developmental return on their investment.

Financial and Social Impact Evaluation

Impact Bridges Group provides comprehensive evaluation services to quantify the financial and social impact of investments. This involves analyzing both monetary returns and the tangible benefits generated for society or the environment. By measuring and reporting on these impacts, investors can make informed decisions and track the effectiveness of their investments.

Investment Appraisal and Due Diligence

Before committing capital, Impact Bridges Group conducts thorough appraisal and due diligence processes on potential investment opportunities. This involves assessing the financial viability, market potential, and impact metrics of each venture or project to ensure alignment with investors' objectives and risk tolerance.

Sourcing investment opportunities

Impact Bridges Group actively seeks out investment opportunities in social enterprises and projects worldwide. Through extensive research and network connections, IBG identifies ventures and initiatives that align with the goals of impact investors, focusing on both social and environmental impact alongside financial return.

Family Foundations and Family Offices

IBG provides an innovative means for families to pursue legacy goals based on strong family values. Our innovative approach allows families to select from a broad portfolio of small businesses and social sectors to either give philanthropically or as an impact investor.

IBG uses a strong evidence-based approach to all of its work. It works with its implementing partners not only on improving reports but also on how to continually improve performance management to maximize social, economic, and environmental impacts. IBG works with family foundations to help them achieve their vision, values, and goals.

Financial and Social Impact Evaluation

Impact Bridges Group conducts comprehensive evaluations to assess both the financial and social impacts of projects supported by family foundations. This involves analyzing the financial returns on investments as well as quantifying the tangible benefits generated for communities, the environment, or specific social causes. By evaluating performance against predetermined metrics, IBG helps ensure accountability and effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes.

Project Outcomes Design

Impact Bridges Group assists family foundations in designing projects with clear social outcomes, whether through philanthropic donations or impact investments. By articulating specific social, economic, and environmental goals, IBG ensures that resources are directed towards initiatives that will generate meaningful and measurable impacts aligned with the family's values and objectives.

Developing a Resource Allocation Plan

Impact Bridges Group collaborates with family foundations to develop customized resource allocation plans that align with their unique vision, values, and goals. By understanding the family's philanthropic priorities and financial capacity, IBG helps design a strategic plan to effectively distribute resources across various initiatives and projects.

Service Providers and Business Entrepreneurs

IBG works with service providers that are committed to continually improving development results. Similarly, IBG works with social enterprises that are structured to be financially profitable and have an intentional social purpose. IBG works in partnership with these social entrepreneurs and potential investors on the investment appraisal. The financial modeling and feasibility study process lend themselves to identifying the best financial instruments and impact measurement and management system to allow social entrepreneurs to thrive and achieve their development objectives. IBG’s objective is to improve the performance of entrepreneurs and not just reporting.

Developing Your Theory of Change

Impact Bridges Group collaborates with entrepreneurs to develop a clear theory of change for their projects. This involves articulating the intended outcomes, identifying underlying assumptions, and mapping out the pathways through which their activities will lead to desired social or environmental impacts. A well-defined theory of change serves as a guiding framework for project planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Designing Financing Models

Impact Bridges Group assists service providers and business entrepreneurs in designing financing models tailored to their projects. By identifying suitable financial instruments and structures, Impact Bridges Group helps entrepreneurs access the necessary capital to fund their initiatives while ensuring alignment with their goals and objectives.

Project Feasibility Analysis

Impact Bridges Group conducts thorough feasibility analyses for projects, assessing their viability and potential for success. Through rigorous examination of market dynamics, resource requirements, and potential risks, Impact Bridges Group helps entrepreneurs make informed decisions about project development and implementation.

Investment Advisors and Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

IBG works collaboratively with donor-advised funds (DAF) to securely place investor and donor funds until payment to a selected charitable service provider is made. The DAF can immediately provide the donor with a tax receipt even though the funds have not yet been allocated. These assets can then grow tax-free until they are allocated. The DAF is a key partner of IBG, especially when using a results-based financing approach. The funds in the DAF can be allocated once the development results have been independently verified.

DAFs are introduced to high-performing charities that can then be recommended to their various donor clients.

Impact Evaluation to Demonstrate Results

Impact Bridges Group conducts impact evaluations to assess the effectiveness and social impact of charitable investments made through DAFs. Through rigorous data collection and analysis, Impact Bridges Group measures the outcomes and changes attributable to donor contributions, providing evidence of the positive results achieved by supported initiatives.

Facilitating Reporting

IBG facilitates reporting processes for investment advisors and DAFs, ensuring transparency and accountability in the allocation of donor funds. By providing comprehensive reporting on the use and impact of charitable contributions, IBG helps donors understand the outcomes achieved through their philanthropy.

Designing Donation Models

Impact Bridges Group assists investment advisors and DAFs in designing donation models that maximize impact. Whether through strategic grantmaking, impact investing, or other innovative approaches, IBG helps structure donations to generate meaningful and measurable outcomes in areas of interest to donors.

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Impact Investors

IBG provides opportunities to work with entrepreneurs worldwide involved in social enterprises, and other social or environmental projects. 

IBG’s broad range of investment opportunities all share two common objectives:

  • measurable social impact; and
  • financial return 

As an impact investor, you can decide whether you want to invest in a business that has strong social and environmental outcomes or with social entrepreneurs, often charities, working on a project, such as nutrition, education, or ecology. Both offer investors a financial and measurable developmental return on their investment.

Services: Our services for Impact Investors include:

  • Sourcing investment opportunities
  • Investment appraisal and due diligence
  • Financial and social impact evaluation
  • Contract design and execution
  • Contract implementation management

Not sure if you are an Impact Investor?

You are an impact investor if you answer yes to 3 or more of the checklist below:

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If you align with these checklists and prioritize impact alongside financial returns in your investment approach, you are likely an impact investor.

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Family Foundations and Family Offices

Our innovative approach allows families to select from a broad portfolio of small businesses and social sectors to give either philanthropically or as impact investors.

IBG takes a strong evidence-based approach to all its work. It works with its implementing partners to improve reports and continually improve performance management to maximize social, economic, and environmental impacts.

IBG works with family foundations to help them achieve their vision, values, and goals.

Services: Our services for family foundations include:

  • Developing a resource allocation plan to meet your family’s goals
  • Project outcomes design (financing or donations based on articulated social outcomes)
  • Financial and social impact evaluation
  • Portfolio social impact analysis

Not sure if you belong in the family foundations and family offices category?

You are an family foundations and family offices if you answer yes to 3 or more of the checklist below:

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If you align with these checklists and prioritize impact alongside financial returns in your investment approach, you are likely an family foundations and family offices category.

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Service Providers and Business Entrepreneurs

IBG works with service providers committed to continually improving development results.

Similarly, IBG works with social enterprises that are structured to be financially profitable and have an intentional social purpose.

IBG partners with these social entrepreneurs and potential investors on their investment appraisal. The financial modelling and feasibility study process helps identify the best financial instrument(s) and impact measurement and management system to allow social entrepreneurs to thrive and achieve their development objectives.

IBG’s objective is to improve the actual performance of entrepreneurs, not just their reporting.

Services: Our services for service providers and business entrepreneurs include:

  • Project feasibility analysis
  • Designing financing models that work for your projects
  • Developing your theory of change
  • Impact evaluation
  • Performance measurement and learning systems

Not sure if you are an Impact Investor?

You are an impact investor if you answer yes to 3 or more of the checklist below:

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If you align with these checklists and prioritize impact alongside financial returns in your investment approach, you are likely an impact investor.

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Investment Advisors and Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

IBG collaborates with donor-advised funds (DAF) to securely hold investor and donor funds until payment to a selected charitable service provider is made.

The DAF can immediately provide the donor with a tax receipt even though the funds have not yet been allocated. These assets can then grow tax-free until they are allocated.

The DAF is a key partner of IBG, especially when using a results-based financing approach. The funds in the DAF can be allocated once the development results have been independently verified.

DAFs are introduced to high-performing charities that can then be recommended to their various donor clients.

Services: Our services for investment advisors and donors-advised funds include:

  • Develop a portfolio of high-performing charitable options for clients
  • Designing donation models to make a bigger impact
  • Facilitating reporting
  • Impact evaluation to demonstrate results

Not sure if you belong in the family foundations and family offices category?

You are an family foundations and family offices if you answer yes to 3 or more of the checklist below:

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If you align with these checklists and prioritize impact alongside financial returns in your investment approach, you are likely an family foundations and family offices category.

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